Download (Mbps)
Download Mbps, or "megabits per second," is a measure of internet bandwidth. In the simplest terms, it represents the speed at which data can be downloaded from the internet to your computer or other devices. The higher the Mbps value, the faster your internet connection will be, allowing you to retrieve data more quickly.
It's worth noting that the required Mbps for a business depends on its specific needs and the number of users sharing the internet connection. Small businesses with basic internet usage might find that speeds around 25 Mbps are sufficient. However, if your business relies heavily on online activities, such as video conferencing, large file transfers, or running multiple cloud-based applications simultaneously, you may need higher Mbps speeds to maintain optimal performance.
Upload (Mbps)
Upload Mbps, or "megabits per second," is another measure of internet bandwidth, which indicates the speed at which data can be sent from your device to the internet. If you have a higher upload Mbps value, you will be able to upload files, send emails, share photos, and perform other activities that involve sending data to the internet more quickly and efficiently.
For most regular internet users, download speeds tend to be more critical because we often consume more data than we upload. However, upload speeds become increasingly important in specific situations, such as Video Conferencing, Uploading Large Files, and Online Backup and File-Syncs.
Ping (ms)
In a speed test, "ping" refers to the latency or reaction time of your internet connection. It measures how quickly your device can send a request to a server on the internet and receive a response back. The ping time is measured in milliseconds (ms), and a lower ping value indicates a faster response time.
Keep in mind that ping times can be affected by various factors, including the distance between your device and the server, network congestion, and the quality of your internet service provider. If you experience consistently high ping times, it might be worth contacting your ISP to investigate and improve your internet connection's performance. Iin general, a ping time of around 20-50 ms is considered excellent, and anything below 100 ms is acceptable for most online activities.
Jitter (ms)
"Jitter" refers to the variation or inconsistency in the delay of data packets traveling from one place to another on the internet. It is measured in milliseconds (ms) and represents how consistent the ping speed is. Jitter can cause disruptions in real-time applications, such as video conferencing, VoIP calls, online gaming, and live streaming. It can manifest as video or audio artifacts, static, distortion, and dropped calls, negatively impacting the user experience.
A low jitter score indicates a more reliable and consistent response time, while a high jitter score indicates more inconsistent response times, leading to issues like choppy calls or glitchy video quality. A good jitter score in a speed test is below 30 ms, indicating a more stable and consistent network connection for real-time activities.